We offer mentoring, which is one-on-one work with rangatahi and their whānau to assist them in achieving their goals and aspirations. We also help rangatahi with their goals and make sure they are involved in worthwhile activities. Cultural narratives are an important part of our mentoring programme because they help rangatahi make better decisions, understand their ancestral stories, and how they can influence their lives now and in the future.
Our Rangatahi wānanga promotes cultural connection and identity through Taiao (natural environment) engagement and a better understanding of our tupuna values and traditional practices. The relationship between self and whenua is the focus of our rangatahi wānanga. We have mentors who provide real-life skills and experiences that are inspiring and help unlock rangatahi potential. Our wānanga focuses on reconnecting to our atua and their domains and natural environments they live in, and the effects on our tinana, hinengaro, and wairua. Rangatahi wānanga can be requested by organisations or whānau.
We offer therapy to rangatahi and their whānau who have been or are going through difficult times and want to make changes in their lives. Rongo Mauri team can help you work through issues such as;
Family Harm - Depression - Anxiety - Suicide - Grief - Relationship conflict - Trauma - Addictions - Teenage Parenting - Drug and Alcohol Counselling.