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We support whānau in addressing presenting challenges and any trauma that they may have experienced by using cultural and narrative therapy and indigenous models of practice. Whānau potential and creativity are unlocked through wānanga and training sessions. Indigenous practices, including tūpuna kōrero are intentionally used to spark interest and curiosity to explore the multiple layers of innate potential.







Rongo Mauri is committed to working in partnership with individuals & whānau whose lives are affected by alcohol and drugs. We offer a Kaupapa Māori approach that aims to reduce drug and alcohol harm. Rongo Mauri will also work with whānau to support them to better understand what their whānau member is going through, the impact this may have on them, ways to cope, and the pathway to recovery. We are potential focussed and believe this is a part of a successful recovery. We have experienced drug and alcohol practitioners who have strong cultural and clinical practices and knowledge. 

If you would like drug, alcohol and addiction support please fill out the referral form below or feel free to contact us.



Our wānanga promotes cultural connection and identity through Taiao (natural environment) engagement and a better understanding of our tupuna values and traditional practices. The relationship between self and whenua is the focus of our wānanga. We have mentors who provide real-life skills and experiences that are inspiring and help unlock potential. Our wānanga focuses on reconnecting to our atua, their domains, and the natural environments they live in, and the effects on our tinana, hinengaro, and wairua.


Wānanga can be requested by whānau by making contact with us via email, phone or Facebook messenger.



Respecting and embracing whānau and rangatahi voices is critical to our work. We advocate for whānau and rangatahi and assist them to get the help they need to understand, communicate, and participate. We listen and empower whānau by helping to represent their ideas, supporting them, and preserving their rights so that they may influence decisions that impact them.

We advocate for whānau who deal with agencies such as Oranga Tamariki, Police, Youth Justice, and the Ministry of Education, as well as the Family Court.


"They were there for me, working silently alongside, believing in me, when I had such low self esteem."
 - Camberley School Parent




We offer therapy to individuals and whānau who have been or are going through difficult times and want to make changes in their lives. We support whānau on their journey who may be suffering from the following:

Family Harm - Depression - Anxiety - Suicide - Grief - Relationship conflict - Trauma - Parenting - Addictions

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