Rongo Mauri is invested in building capability through an indigenous lens. We aim to unlock cultural and creative potential so educators are more connected, learners engaged and disparities eliminated. Professional development is tailored to inspire systematic change through project-based learning, curriculum review and design, developing and building cultural competencies, and creating innovative schools for our students, and our future.
Rongo Mauri delivers professional development and wānanga across sectors and with whānau. Our wānanga supports the indigenising of education spaces, services, and homes. Our purpose is to unpack systemic bias, equity, and intergenerational trauma, and to consider how and why we think and act the ways we do. Wānanga is tailored to inspire systemic change, promote indigenous design and solutions, and build cultural capability.
Rongo Mauri is committed to building capability and confident cultural leadership across all sectors. Our team inspires leadership change, with a vision of creating a positive impact for our communities, our learners, and our whānau. Rongo Mauri will support leadership to grow quality teaching and learning environments, connecting culture, language, and identity to local solutions and aspirations. Rongo Mauri design for change, creating environments where equity and excellence thrive.