Rongo Mauri is a Ministry of Education-approved school provider in Hawkes Bay and Manawatū. Our delivery style enables our cultural experts, counsellors, and mentors to work with ākonga one-on-one and in small groups. Our team also works with and assists whānau, school leaders, teachers, and staff in developing and promoting well-being through an indigenous well-being framework that supports curriculum and school culture development. Our unique approach is whānau-centered, with team members who have demonstrated positive relationships with ākonga and whānau and relatable life experiences.
If you are wanting Rongo Mauri to become a provider in your school, please click on the link below.
“Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia ō tātou māhi.
Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.”
We have our own kaimahi who work with whānau and rangatahi in our community who are not attending school. We provide our rangatahi with therapy and mentoring and prepare them for re-integration back into school, work, or study. We have a great success rate at re-engaging tamariki back into meaningful learning environments with wraparound support as it is a community and whānau-led service support.
Rongo Mauri provides Atua Club once a week for students that have left Te Kura o Manuhiwi (Camberley School) and moved on to Intermediate. We are committed to ensuring our graduates continue to receive cultural narratives and mentors from their Matua and Whaea that they have positive relationships with. This also gives them the opportunity to continue indigenizing their minds and hearts. This service allows us to continue to provide wrap-around support for our tamariki in our community and their whānau. Our Atua club is in school and Taiao based.